Maurice Wilson, PhD Astronomy

I am an astronomer at the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) research center of NSF NCAR. My breadth of expertise ranges from instrumentation for ground-based observatories to magnetic activity of our Sun to exoplanets orbiting other stars. Astronomers will appreciate the spatial range there: from the Earth to our star to other stars. My research interests (see CV) include the following topics:

  • Thermodynamic and magnetic morphology of solar CMEs.
  • Detection and characterization of stellar CMEs and exoplanets.
  • High precision photometry and Doppler spectroscopy pipelines.

Research Background

Conference Posters

August/September 2023
SHINE & Boulder Solar Day
August 2023
UCoMP Workshop Tutorial
Summer 2021
SHINE & WHPI Meetings
April 2019
Harvard CfA, Exoplanet Pizza Lunch
August 2017
EPRV Workshop
January 2015
225th AAS Meeting